There are tons of money saving methods and techniques. Unfortunately, not all of them are foolproof. Some can actually cost you more than they save you if you aren’t careful.
I’ve eliminated most of the trappings of “traditional” banking. And you know what? I honestly don’t miss it. Here are the things I hated the most and miss the least about retail banking.
Online advice about money can be a crap-shoot. It’s just like shopping for clothes, actually–what looks good on a screen can look differently or may not fit in real life.
If you suffer from procrastination, you certainly know how complicated it is – but here’s how to help yourself.
You always look for sources of career advice, and sometimes good sources will come as a surprise. They may even come in ways you never expected…like a superstar athlete such as Derek Jeter!
Everyone knows a person who does things for no other reason than to please others and portray an image. Maybe you need to knock some sense into them!