All of the information provided at Eric Nisall dot com is for informational purposes only.
Regardless of how knowledgeable a person may sound, nothing on this (or any other) site should be mistaken as direct advice.
Most of the topics discussed here are broad, and meant to inform and/or educate.
Before taking any action, consulting with a professional who is able to take your specific situation and plan around it, is always advised and encouraged.
Anyone offering direct, targeted advice without all of the information or a full understanding of a situation should be ignored and the advice discarded immediately.
It costs money to run a blog just like any other business, so you will see advertisements throughout the site.
They won’t be terribly intrusive like huge banners or anything similar, but more commonly in the form of affiliate links.
You will be notified on every post/page right from the start, as there will be a reminder right after the title so there is no confusion.
The site’s content is based on my own preferences, as well as suggestions from readers.
There is no influence on the content, reviews, or opinions contained within from any advertisers or sponsors.
No one is going to be able to buy my integrity or opinion, and trust me, I’ve got plenty of opinions!
This isn’t a site where opinions or content can be bought, or even nudged in one direction or another.
I’ll take someone’s money to write about their product or service, but if it sucks and isn’t worth my (or my readers’ time) then I’ll say so.
The only advertisements that will be displayed will be of companies that I deem to be reputable, and which provide products or services which I feel would be beneficial to the readers.